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  • #4788


    Ok, I tried recreating the character from scratch and found where the problem might be. When I try applying the ‘Behavior Tree Asset’ (AI->Mind->Behavior Tree Asset) I click to pull up options and instead of showing the available Behavior Trees I get an error and an empty list.

    Exception of type ‘UnityEngine.ExitGUIException’ was thrown.
    at UnityEngine.GUIUtility.ExitGUI () [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\ea95e74f6e5f192d\Runtime\ExportGenerated\Editor\GUIUtility.cs:126
    at UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DoObjectField (Rect position, Rect dropRect, Int32 id, UnityEngine.Object obj, System.Type objType, UnityEditor.SerializedProperty property, UnityEditor.ObjectFieldValidator validator, Boolean allowSceneObjects, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x0028f] in C:\BuildAgent\work\ea95e74f6e5f192d\Editor\Mono\GUI\ObjectField.cs:99
    at UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DoObjectField (Rect position, Rect dropRect, Int32 id, UnityEngine.Object obj, System.Type objType, UnityEditor.SerializedProperty property, UnityEditor.ObjectFieldValidator validator, Boolean allowSceneObjects) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\ea95e74f6e5f192d\Editor\Mono\GUI\ObjectField.cs:12
    at UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField (Rect position, UnityEngine.GUIContent label, UnityEngine.Object obj, System.Type objType, Boolean allowSceneObjects) [0x0001a] in C:\BuildAgent\work\ea95e74f6e5f192d\Editor\MonoGenerated\Editor\EditorGUI.cs:2318
    at UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField (Rect position, System.String label, UnityEngine.Object obj, System.Type objType, Boolean allowSceneObjects) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\ea95e74f6e5f192d\Editor\MonoGenerated\Editor\EditorGUI.cs:2305
    at UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ObjectField (System.String label, UnityEngine.Object obj, System.Type objType, Boolean allowSceneObjects, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) [0x0007c] in C:\BuildAgent\work\ea95e74f6e5f192d\Editor\MonoGenerated\Editor\EditorGUI.cs:4544
    at RAINEditor.Minds.RAINBasicMindEditor.DrawInspector (System.String aLabel, RAIN.Serialization.FieldWalkerList aWalker) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAINEditor.TypeEditors.RAINTypeEditor.DrawFieldForInspector (System.String aLabel, RAIN.Serialization.FieldWalkerList aWalker) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAINEditor.TypeEditors.RAINTypeEditor.DrawFieldForInspector (RAIN.Serialization.FieldWalkerList aWalker) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAINEditor.Core.AIEditor.DrawInspector (System.String aLabel, RAIN.Serialization.FieldWalkerList aWalker) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAINEditor.TypeEditors.RAINTypeEditor.DrawFieldForInspector (System.String aLabel, RAIN.Serialization.FieldWalkerList aWalker) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAINEditor.TypeEditors.RAINTypeEditor.DrawFieldForInspector (RAIN.Serialization.FieldWalkerList aWalker) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAINEditor.Core.AIRigEditor.DrawComponentForInspector (RAIN.Serialization.FieldWalkerList aWalker) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAINEditor.Core.RAINComponentEditor.OnInspectorGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    However, I was able to drag in the BehaviorTree from the project folder.. After resetting up the entire character prefab it works as expected.. With the exception of the error when exploring Behavior Trees. To fix this I can probably just re-import the RAIN asset; But I’ll leave it as-is for now incase you want me to do any debugging, just let me know..

    Thanks for your help.



    You can move a Waypoint at any time.



    Chipmunk only support 2D Vectors… I will try to use Rain for a prototype and with chipmunk and 2D toolkit.

    Is it possible to Warp a Waypoint to an other position?



    Here’s the thing - most of RAIN can be used for 2D games. However, RAIN currently requires the standard Unity axis setup (movement in the xz plane, y up). We have plans to allow RAIN to accept alternate axis in a future update.



    I using chipmunk 2D physic engine and unity… but would the waypoints working for 2D only? etc…



    I’m assuming you’re talking about a sidescroller. It’s possible, but pathfinding and other features wont work very well. You might be better off making your own.

    Have you seen this video on 2D Unity velopment?


    Is it possible to use it for 2D games too?

    Any sample?

Viewing 7 results - 46 through 52 (of 52 total)