
Rival Theory seems to have accomplished what it set out to do […]; make creating AI for Unity characters simple yet powerful.

Dave Mark
President of Intrinsic Algorithm

We here at Massive Black couldn’t be more excited to partner with Rival{Theory} on Zombie Playground.

Chris Haltala
President of Massive Black

Rival Theory has made it easy to make AI inside of FPS Control. The characters all of a sudden know exactly what the world looks like and can sense you.

Efraim Muelenberg
Co-founder of FPSControl.com and TornadoTwins.com

Hands down this is definitely professional-level AI.

Eric Tereshinski
Founder, Eteeski Tutorials

If you haven’t heard about it, you’ve been living on the moon.

Chuck Mahenshi
Unity Developer

100% of your support is top notch and a major reason I always look to see if this extension is viable for our projects

Chris Fowler
Senior Gameplay Programmer 2K Games

Just a few clicks are enough to create characters capable of making intelligent choices. It makes our project more dynamic and interactive.

Pasquale Sada

I would like to take the time to thank you, as well as the RAIN AI platform. I can’t believe how simple it is to use, and the massive power it holds.

Jorge Ventura
Latin Americas Learning Center

[RAIN] is both exactly what Unity needed out of the gate - and exactly what I need for my current project! Thank you!

Stephan Maich
Indie Developer