RAIN{one} Documentation
2013-01-27T16:27:18-07:00RAIN{one} Documentation
http://support.rivaltheory.com/rainone/wiki/lib/tpl/arctic-mbo/images/favicon.icotext/html2013-01-16T11:25:54-07:00Eridanusraincode:btactivationmanager - [Parameterizing]
Class Definition
* LoadBehaviorTree - loads a behavior tree from the specified filename. It can be an absolute, relative, or resource path.
* Reset - resets the behavior tree by stopping any running nodes.
* SetRootNode - resets the behavior tree and replaces the root node with the specified node.
* InitBehavior - called once by the BehaviorTreeMind after the loading of the default behavior tree.
* PreAction - called by the BehaviorTreeMind before any behavior tree node …text/html2013-01-16T09:47:46-07:00sigilstart
Welcome to the RAIN{one} Documentation Wiki!
RAIN{one} is a tool for adding artificial intelligence to games in Unity. It is designed to accelerate development of AI by simplifying movement and pathing, reacting to the environment, and crafting behavior. For more information:text/html2012-09-27T15:47:11-07:00Eridanusraincode:start - [Files]
A general dumping ground for additional code information, this may eventually be expanded to include the API documentation but at the moment that is automatically generated.
* Action
* AIAnimationExtender
* AIBehavior
* Mind
* MixamoAIAnimationExtender
* BTActivationManagertext/html2012-09-13T10:20:47-07:00jesterbehavior:behaviortrees:variables - [Action Context]
Behavior Tree
Action Context
RAIN 1.2 behavior trees store assigned variables as float values in the action context. From code, you'll want to use
agent.actionContext.GetContextItem<float>(“variablename”)text/html2012-09-05T14:07:19-07:00sigilunitycomponents:spheresensor - [Usage]
SphereSensor is a simple sensor that uses a fixed size sphere collider to detect Aspects.
* Focus of Attention - This field will allow you to define specific Aspects that will be detected by the Sensor. You can control the number of Aspects with the Size field. It's important to note that aspects can be combined. If some objects are “red” and others are “shiny”, then we can search for shiny red objects by setting a focus of attention to “shiny red” in one line. If we want shiny …text/html2012-09-05T14:07:07-07:00sigilunitycomponents:expandingboxsensor - [Usage]
ExpandingBoxSensor is a BoxSensor that changes shape over time. ExpandingBoxSensor has a minimum size, maximum size, and expand rate (per axis).
* Focus of Attention - You can have multiple sensors on an AI. The Focus of Attention gives the AI the ability to seek out particular Aspects in an environment. You can control the number of Aspects with the Size field. It's important to note that aspects can be combined. If some objects are “red” and others are “shiny”, then we can se…text/html2012-09-05T14:06:55-07:00sigilunitycomponents:boxsensor - [Usage]
BoxSensor is a simple sensor that uses a fixed size box collider to detect Aspects.
* Focus of Attention - This field will allow you to define specific Aspects that will be detected by the Sensor. You can control the number of Aspects with the Size field. It's important to note that aspects can be combined. If some objects are “red” and others are “shiny”, then we can search for shiny red objects by setting a focus of attention to “shiny red” in one line. If we want shiny OR red…text/html2012-09-05T14:06:42-07:00sigilunitycomponents:waypointgizmo - [Usage]
The physical representation of a Waypoint and generally what you will see when using RAIN{one}.
* Neighbors - This will list all of the Waypoints currently connected to the active Waypoint.
* Raycast Path Radius - The size of sphere that is cast between waypoints when you Raycast the connections between your Waypoints.
* Raycast Max Distance - The maximum distance from the active Waypoint that you want to Raycast connections. Waypoints that are further than this distance fro…text/html2012-09-05T14:06:03-07:00sigilunitycomponents:waypoint - [Waypoint]
Waypoint defines a node in a waypoint navigation graph setup. In RAIN{one} this component is extended by WaypointGizmo which is what you will generally see in practice.
* Neighbors - This will list all of the waypoints currently connected to the active waypoint.
* Raycast Path Radius - The size of sphere that is cast between waypoints when you Raycast the connections between your waypoints.
* Raycast Max Distance - The maximum distance from the active waypoint that you want…text/html2012-09-05T11:11:49-07:00sigilcomponents:graphmodifier.png
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=429&h=161t=1346868942&media=components:graphmodifier.png" alt="components:graphmodifier.png" />text/html2012-09-03T15:53:42-07:00jestergettingstarted:recastvisu.png - created
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=500&h=168t=1346712822&media=gettingstarted:recastvisu.png" alt="gettingstarted:recastvisu.png" />text/html2012-09-03T15:51:11-07:00jestergettingstarted:waypointsconnected.png - created
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=500&h=188t=1346712671&media=gettingstarted:waypointsconnected.png" alt="gettingstarted:waypointsconnected.png" />text/html2012-09-03T13:56:28-07:00jesterbehavior:behaviortrees:nodes:gob_tasks.png
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=500&h=301t=1346705849&media=behavior:behaviortrees:nodes:gob_tasks.png" alt="behavior:behaviortrees:nodes:gob_tasks.png" />text/html2012-09-03T13:21:44-07:00jestersensing:aspectname.png - created
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=500&h=46t=1346703704&media=sensing:aspectname.png" alt="sensing:aspectname.png" />text/html2012-09-03T12:41:56-07:00jestersensing:raycastcomponents.png - created
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=336&h=168t=1346701316&media=sensing:raycastcomponents.png" alt="sensing:raycastcomponents.png" />text/html2012-08-31T13:56:22-07:00harbingergettingstarted:gob-2ndgoalnode.png - created
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=500&h=157t=1346446582&media=gettingstarted:gob-2ndgoalnode.png" alt="gettingstarted:gob-2ndgoalnode.png" />text/html2012-08-31T13:55:53-07:00harbingergettingstarted:gob-standandfighttask.png - created
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=500&h=200t=1346446553&media=gettingstarted:gob-standandfighttask.png" alt="gettingstarted:gob-standandfighttask.png" />text/html2012-08-31T13:55:53-07:00harbingergettingstarted:gob-runawaytask.png - created
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=500&h=189t=1346446553&media=gettingstarted:gob-runawaytask.png" alt="gettingstarted:gob-runawaytask.png" />text/html2012-08-31T13:55:53-07:00harbingergettingstarted:gob-eatsomethingtask.png - created
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=500&h=174t=1346446553&media=gettingstarted:gob-eatsomethingtask.png" alt="gettingstarted:gob-eatsomethingtask.png" />text/html2012-08-31T13:13:36-07:00sigilbehavior:behaviortrees:generallayout.png - created
<img src="/rainone/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=500&h=269t=1346444016&media=behavior:behaviortrees:generallayout.png" alt="behavior:behaviortrees:generallayout.png" />