News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting Custom Attack Script

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Iuxeayor 1 year, 7 months ago.

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  • #34173


    I am trying to make my AI begin shooting (very simple) upon seeing the player. I have the Behavior Tree working, and I know that the player is being detected because I also have the object set to chase the player when he is spotted; and that is working. The problem is somewhere in the Custom Action Script. I am basically trying to use the Custom Action Script to access a regular MonoBehaviour script that is attached to the same object that the AI is attached to, but it is childed under a couple of layers. The MonoBehavior script handles the shooting of the blaster and the Custom Action just makes the call to that function.

    I am getting this error:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    EnemyBlasterFireRAIN.Execute (RAIN.Core.AI ai) (at Assets/AI/Actions/EnemyBlasterFireRAIN.cs:27)
    RAIN.BehaviorTrees.BTActionNode.Execute (RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    RAIN.BehaviorTrees.BTNode.Run (RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    RAIN.BehaviorTrees.BTConstraintNode.Execute (RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    RAIN.BehaviorTrees.BTNode.Run (RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    RAIN.BehaviorTrees.BTSelectorNode.Execute (RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    RAIN.BehaviorTrees.BTNode.Run (RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    RAIN.BehaviorTrees.BTParallelNode.Execute (RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    RAIN.BehaviorTrees.BTNode.Run (RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    RAIN.Minds.BasicMind.Think ()
    RAIN.Core.AI.Think ()
    RAIN.Core.AIRig.AIUpdate ()
    RAIN.Core.AIRig.Update ()

    Here is my Custom Action Script:

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using RAIN.Action;
    using RAIN.Core;
    public class EnemyBlasterFireRAIN : RAINAction
    	EnemyBlasterFire fireBlasters;
        public override void Start(AI ai)
    		fireBlasters = ai.WorkingMemory.GetItem<EnemyBlasterFire>("EnemyBlasterFire");
        public override ActionResult Execute(AI ai)
    		fireBlasters = ai.WorkingMemory.GetItem<EnemyBlasterFire>("EnemyBlasterFire");
            return ActionResult.SUCCESS;
        public override void Stop(AI ai)

    And here is the script that the Custom Action is referencing.

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class EnemyBlasterFire : BlasterFire
    	void Start()
    		Target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
    	void Update () 
    	public void Shoot()
    		Rigidbody newBlast = Instantiate(rBlasterBolt, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Rigidbody;
    		newBlast.AddForce(transform.forward * fVelocity, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
    		Destroy(newBlast.gameObject, 3f);
    	void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
    		if(col.gameObject.tag == "Player")
    			healthScript = col.gameObject.GetComponent<Health>();

    Is this not allowed? Is there a better way to do this? I know that generally speaking the EnemyBlasterFire script works because I am using the same basic code for the player’s blaster minus the player’s trigger button. Any help, suggestions, and comments are welcome.

    Thank you,
    -Iuxeayor ;>



    instead of this:


    try this:



    Cool. Let me give that a try. ;>



    It seems that managed to get rid of the error. However, the MonoBehaviour script is not being executed.



    Nevermind. My Unity had crashed after I had updated the code - not sure why - and when I restarted it, my Custom Action Node had been removed from the BT and I didn’t notice. I added it back in and everything seems to be doing what it is supposed to.

    Thanks, Prime!
    -Iuxeayor ;>

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