News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting how to stop the AI movement?

This topic contains 12 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  prime 2 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #6152

    Yuewah Chan

    In rain 1.x, I can set RainAgent.maxSpeed = 0; RainAgent.maxRotationRate = 0; to stop AI movement during Move Node.
    But In rain 2.0.8, AiRig.AI.Motor.Speed = 0; AiRig.AI.Motor.RotationSpeed = 0; doesn’t work.



    Can you be more specific? I just ran a few tests and it seems to work fine for me.


    Yuewah Chan

    btw, I am using my custom navgiator class which only return next waypoint, is there anything I need to implement?
    I will try to use the RainNavgiator to test again.



    Shouldn’t matter. The Motor controls movement speed. The Navigator only provides move targets. Note that setting a Default Movement Speed will not limit your motion. In RAIN Indie the value was a Max (limiter). There is no equivalent in RAIN. If your code or your BT Move node specifies a different speed, that’s what will be used.


    Yuewah Chan

    how can my code change the speed of AI.Motor ?

    void OnGUI()
    if ( GUI.Button(new Rect(0,0,50,50), “Stop”) )
    aiRig.AI.Motor.Speed = 0;

    However, the aiRig.AI.Motor.Speed become 1 in the next frame.



    Are you running a behavior tree that is Moving the AI at a speed of 1? Is some other code changing it? Unless the AI is being reset, the default value is not re-applied.


    Yuewah Chan

    the speed is not set on Move Node.

    I am using rain 2.0.8 ( fresh update from 2.0.5 ) + Unity 4.3.1

    |-timer ( 3 sec )
    |-get random target ( set variable “movetarget” to random position ) )
    |-move ( Move Target: movetarget )

    AIRig use all Basic Components( BasicMemory, BasicMind, BasicMotor, BasicNavigator etc )

    The following link is my test project



    Right… Sorry, I didn’t give the correct information about how movement speed works.

    If you are using a Behavior Tree Move node, the node will determine move speed in the following way:

    - If the move speed field is left blank, then the default AI speed is used
    - If the move speed field is invalid (bad expression, etc.) then the default AI speed is used
    - If the move speed field has a valid value (constant, calculated expression, or variable) then the field value is used.

    In your case, use a variable in your BT move node for speed. Then stop the AI by setting that variable to 0.



    By “default AI speed” I mean the Motor Default Speed.


    Yuewah Chan

    Why don’t rain2.x not having MaxSpeed or MaxRotation like rain1.x, what you suggested in last post is quite time consuming that all move node in all BT need to assign a variable.



    You don’t have to assign a variable. If you assign nothing, it uses default speed. If that isn’t what you want, then of course you have to tell RAIN what you do want…


    Yuewah Chan

    Default speed cannot be changed during runtime, what I want is having MaxSpeed and MaxRotation in rain 2.x



    Default speed can be changed at runtime.

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