News Forums RAIN Sample Projects, How To, and Code Integrating with scripts

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  prime 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    Hello all. I am a brand new newbie to the forums and to using RAIN.

    I understand that the update to RAIN 2.0(other numbers here) has implemented quite a few changes. I have been watching videos and reading and experimenting for a week or so now and I think I’m just screwing something very simple up.

    I just want to figure out how to use variables from scripts inside of RAIN for decisions (for example, as a constraint in a behavior tree), how to alter variables inside a script from RAIN, how to alter variables inside RAIN from script, etc. In essence, how to incorporate my C# code inside of RAIN. I have seen tutorials on the matter, obviously, but I just can’t seem to sift through the RAIN Indie VS Rain 2.0 differences enough to figure out how to do something seemingly so simple.

    Can anyone point me in the direction of some tutorials on this matter? I would greatly appreciate any guidance on the matter. Thank you for your time.



    Basically, you use the AI memory for managing variable data. You can use ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem or ai.WorkingMemory.GetItem to set variable values or get the variables value respectively. Please check out the wiki on memory at to get you started. Hope this helps but please let me know if anything is unclear.



    Ah, Chuck / CodersExpo! I have been watching your videos over and over for a couple days now. You are a good teacher, dude.

    Thanks for the redirect. I will endeavor to check that out and do some testing. Thank you for the prompt response.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by  cdillard.


    Thank you much cdillard. I also did quite a bit of the documentation on the wiki, like the page I pointed you to. Please let me know if anything in the videos/wiki are not clear or need further explanation. I’ll see that it gets up-dated




    @CodersExpo: I think the problem was too much documentation, not the lack of, combined with my lack of a clear head over the past week. After going to that link and then subsequent links, ie custom actions, I have successfully managed to get some things working such as setting bools on 3rd party objects, etc. There are some things I am still trying to understand, but if I run into any problems, I will definitely ask. Thank you for your help.

    By saying “too much documentation”, I meant that it was a lot of information I was trying to absorb in a relatively short amount of time. The documentation provided by you guys is superb.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by  cdillard.


    moved my new question to troubleshooting section. Can’t seem to find where to delete my post.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by  cdillard.
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by  cdillard.


    Hi Cdillard.

    Would you mind sharing one or two of the working examples you have for this? I’m struggling with the same problem, getting or setting variables in another script on another object. PM me if you don’t want them public perhaps.




    Just wanted to echo the previous post. An example or two would be awesome. I’m having some trouble.



    Here’s a quick rundown of Memory variables in RAIN.

    By default, RAIN uses a BasicMemory with every AI. BasicMemory stores information accessible to an AI through code or through the Behavior Tree system. Variables stored in memory are specific to each individual AI (i.e., it isn’t a global blackboard.)

    From code, you can get the value of a variable like this:


    of course, the method call is Generic, so replace “float” with whatever variable type you are retrieving (string, GameObject, etc.)

    You will set the value of a variable like this:

    ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem<float>("myvariable", 10.0f);

    You will commonly call that code from within a CustomAction in your behavior tree, but really you could call it from anywhere in your own code. You just need access to the AI object. To get that, you would look for an AIRig component.

    AIRig tRig = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<AIRig>();

    and then it would be


    In the behavior tree itself, you can access variables from any expression field. Expression fields are marked with an “e” symbol. Simply refer to the variable name in the expression field in order to access its value. So in an expression field

    myvariable = 10.0


    myvariable < 10

    would work fine.

    Expression fields in BT nodes exist all over the place. There’s even a node called “Evaluate Expression” which let’s you execute or evaluate any expression you like.

    Hope that helps. Feel free to send a support email if you have further questions. Or post back here and I’ll try to answer.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  prime. Reason: fixed bad code formatting


    I’m simply trying to run a function in a standard .JS script attached to my character’s parent object.
    I’ve created a custom action named Attack.js, and it runs in parallel with the attack animation in the behavior tree.
    My character runs around and animates just fine, but I just can’t seem to execute the function in this attached script properly.

    The custom action’s (flawed) code:

    import RAIN.Core;
    import RAIN.Action;
    class Attack extends RAIN.Action.RAINAction
    	function newclass()
    		actionName = "Attack";
    	function Start(ai:AI):void
    	function Execute(ai:AI):ActionResult
            return ActionResult.SUCCESS;
       	function Stop(ai:AI):void

    I’m pretty lost. Being not much of a coder and then only being familiar with .js aren’t really helping matters.
    Thanks again for any pointers.



    You are saying that you can set the behavior tree up to use this script, but that Execute is ever called? Any chance you can send us a sample scene/project?

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