News Forums Troubleshooting Moving waypoints at runtime

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jester 8 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Hi, I’m fairly new to Rain (although I’m well familiarised with Unity) and I’ve encountered a few problems when trying to move a waypoint at runtime. Apologies if there are blatant mistakes in this code, I’m still getting the hang of Rain!

    Although there will inevitably be some problems in my code, I can’t test it yet because I’m getting compiler errors with some Rain-specific classes. ‘MoveLookTarget’ and ‘WaypointSet’ both ‘do not exist in the current context’ which I guess means I haven’t added the right classes at the beginning of my file, however I’m not sure which ones I could further add; I’ve read the handy documentation and added the ones they seem to require, and I even tried adding every single one and they’re still not being recognised! I’d hugely appreciate a little bit of guidance from someone who could give me a tip as to how to fix this error :)

    Here’s my code (heavily influenced by the samples!):

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using RAIN.Core;
    using RAIN.Action;
    using RAIN.Navigation;
    public class RainTest : RAINAction
    	private GameObject _avoidTarget;
    	private MoveLookTarget _nextMovePoint;
    	private WaypointSet _wpSet;
    	private static int _wpCurrent = -1;
    	private RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
    	private Ray ray;
    	private Vector3 location;
    	public RainTest()
    		actionName = "RainTest";
    	public override void Start(RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    		if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) {
    			Debug.Log ("clicked");
    			ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
    				if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit, 10000)) {
    					Vector3 (hit.point.x, (hit.point.y), hit.point.z);
    					_wpSet = NavigationManager.instance.GetWaypointSet ("Waypoint Route");
    					//Create the movelook object and define the position
    					_nextMovePoint = new MoveLookTarget () { VectorTarget = location };
    					ai.Motor.moveTarget = _nextMovePoint;
    					base.Start (ai);
    	public override ActionResult Execute(RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    		if (!ai.Motor.IsAtMoveTarget)
    			return ActionResult.RUNNING;
    		return ActionResult.NONE;
    	public override void Stop(RAIN.Core.AI ai)
    • This topic was modified 9 months ago by  littlegames.


    MoveLookTarget requires RAIN.Motion
    WaypointSet requires RAIN.Navigation.Waypoints



    What are you trying to accomplish with your code? Just moving to a location that the player clicks?



    Thanks so much, that’s solved it!

    Yes, I know I could easily move to a location without waypoints at all by just setting a location and moving in a straight line, but I really like RAIN’s pathfinding and obstacle avoidance. Is there a simpler way to do this?



    We will have dynamic obstacle avoidance in a coming patch that will allow the navigation mesh to refresh at runtime.

    Also check out our new tutorial series.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.




    Thanks for the response Jester. The tutorials look good - I’ll have a look tomorrow and hopefully it’ll teach me many new things.



    They surely will. Let us know if you have any questions.


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