Home Forums General Discussion New Mecanim Sample from Unity

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  prime 1 day, 12 hours ago.

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  • #6568

    Yuewah Chan

    Just checkout the new unity3d sample project https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/14474
    It contains a much more stable 3rd person mecanim animation controller which use 2D Freeform Catesian Blend Type to control Idle, Walk, Run and Turn.

    It seems to solve the problem of going to an unexpected animation state.

    I would suggest using it rather than the old animation controller.


    Yuewah Chan

    anyone check the new sample ?


    Yuewah Chan

    Comparing between old and new official unity mecanim sample state machine, I would prefer the new one. Any rain developer working on mecanim integration has comment on this topic ?



    Thanks for mentioning it. I’m planning to check it out, but haven’t had a chance yet.

    Generally, however, I’ve found that each mecanim controller/state machine is specific to the model, animations, and individual needs. I doubt I have two identical state machines across any two characters.

    There may be some useful ideas in the new state machine, but it should probably be used only as an example and not “as is”.

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