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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  prime 1 month, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #4406



    Looks like I first got into this abandoned dungeon. Well, I call upon the spirit of the dungeon and ask my 3 questions.
    1. Is there a minimum distance for the Move action?
    2. Is it permissible to perform parallel 2 Move Actionn - one moves, the other turns?
    3. How are guaranteed to make AI only move by NavigationMesh - what parameters affect this in the first place.



    1) A move action checks that the AI is within the motor’s Close Enough Distance to the target before moving. If so, no movement will occur. Otherwise, the answer is no - there is no minimum distance.

    2) Yes, although you can do both within one Move action.

    3) The Motor has a setting called Allow Off Graph Movement which determines whether the AI will leave the graph to reach a target.



    Does RAIN work with a 2D platform “mario” type game?



    Much of RAIN is based on 3D environments and characters. The Basic Motor, Basic Navigator, sensors, movement functions, and AI Kinematic all assume a y-up 3D axis. Out of the box, some features are not compatible.

    However, many developers have successfully integrated RAIN into 2D games. You can still use the behavior tree system, the Basic Mind, the Memory system, and the overall structure of RAIN. If you do want to integrate movement, sensors, or pathfinding, you can build 2D replacements for the motor, navigator, and sensors and plug them in.

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