News Forums RAIN Sample Projects, How To, and Code RAIN for RTS games?

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Medusa Zenovka 1 month ago.

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    straight to the point: is RAIN suitable for RTS games? I mean: couple of hundreds of units, navigating on 3D terrain, moving in formations and fighting each other. If yes, what would be the way to approach it?



    That’s tough to answer, because it depends on how you plan to build your RTS. I’ll answer it this way:

    If I were going to build Starcraft on Unity would I start with RAIN? Yes. But I would also expect to do a lot of tuning, customizing, and writing complementary systems to manage computation and performance.

    One other issue though: most RTS games require a dynamic nav mesh. There’s been a lot of talk about that on the forums lately. Although it is a feature on the roadmap, RAIN doesn’t currently support it.



    Thanks for your reply. Starting with RAIN was indeed my idea, I was just worried that it mint not be good idea at all for some reason. I am thinking about getting your Warfighter AI package and see it it is suitable to adjust for hundreds of units miving in formations on the battlefield. I am not worried about dynamic navmeshes. TBH we won’t probably even bother with dynamic obstacle avoidance to save CPU cycles, it is not going to be a simulation after all. Any more hints on how to start?



    I don’t think our Warfighter AI package (Squad Command) is a good starting point for hundreds of units. Don’t get me wrong, I like our package a lot. However, the soldier model used in that package doesn’t scale to hundreds. You’ll start seeing quite a bit of performance drop once you hit about 20 soldiers. The problem can be solved with a simpler model and LOD (including possibly AI-LOD). Pick up Squad Command if you want a good starting point for building soldier AI, but not as a roadmap for scaling.



    I was planning on swiching to low-poly models 😉 My questions are strictly AI-wise also because mu understanding is that Warfighter demo has formations support. Does it mean it is optimized for pathfinding for groups / formations? I would assume that only leader does full path search and rest of the squad just follows w/ obstacle avoidance?



    Would RAIN be suitable for a futuristic city building game? Specifically if I just want NPCs to go,via flight, from a mine to a storage facility upon detecting the mine is full. Then another unit from a factory goes to, via a road, the storage facility upon detecting raw materials are available. I would like to have a combination of roads and flight paths if possible. I am considering possibly considering adding a military component where NPCs, in aircraft, come at entry/spawn points attempt to raid the city. I do not want direct control of NPCs like a traditional RTS, but move upon detecting certain conditions and/or for combat NPCs a priority of targets upon detecting them on grid.



    Possibly, keeping in mind that RAIN doesn’t support dynamic nav mesh updates. But you could (and might want to anyway) do it using waypoint systems.



    Any news when dynamic nav mesh will be available for RAIN?



    And can you release a starcraft sample project? If not for free, I would definitively pay for it.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by  joehes.

    Medusa Zenovka

    Im building a RTS with RPG elements on maps that can reach epic sizes (2000×2000 map size, 0.1 = 1 Meter), also with dynamic platforms. For the former Im using the Unity 5 Navmesh-System, for the latter Im using NavMeshPro, a custom navmesh system heavily optimized to support dynamic navmeshes like space ships, giant freight elevators ect.

    The reason why I now consider switching to RAIN is a runtime Navmesh generation, AI behaviors in general and the thought of an unified pathfinding system that features dynamic and static navmeshes.

    Now my questions:
    1. Can RAIN support about 1000 units or even more on a map (just pathfinding)?
    2. Can you attach and use a navmesh to a gameobject and can children (units) use RAIN to navigate on their parent - multiple navmeshes?
    3. Object avoidence?

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