I’ve just registered in the forums, but I’ve been using RAIN for a couple of months, and it’s awesome!! Great work guys!!
I’m posting to notify a bug in RAIN 2.1.3 (at least I think it is a bug, because it didn’t happen in 2.0.11).
The fact is that now the representation of the visual sensors in the scene view doesn’t fit exactly with the real angles.
Let me explain: I use a visual sensor in my AI with h. angle of 40º and v. angle of 30º. Until now (2.0.11) it worked perfectly, but with RAIN 2.1.3 the AI doesn’t see the player anymore with that cone. After testing (very hard) I’ve found that increasing the h. angle up to 44º the AI began to see the player, although not with all the cone, but only with a shorter horizontal angle of it (maybe 20 degrees). As I add h. angle the error margin in the sides of the cone shrinks. Now, if I want the AI to have a visual range like it had before, I have to increase the h.angle up to 55º. Is it a known bug?
Excuse me if I don’t explain myself properly, as I’m not english.
I can upload some images if you need more detail.