The DamageMessageReceiver component handles all damage dealt to Sentio Characters. You can use this with Unity’s normal message passing system by calling BroadcastMessage on the AI game object (Body), or SendMessageUpwards on any child object. Take a look at the DamageOnCollision script for an example.
The “message” you want to send is “Damage” with a value defined by the type DamageMessage.
For example:
//in this example "myGameObject" is the game object sending the damage
//and "aiChildObject" is a child of the AI Body for the AI receiving the damage
DamageMessage tDamage = new DamageMessage() { damageGiver = myGameObject, damageAmount = 10f };
aiChildObject.SendMessageUpwards("Damage", tDamage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);