RAIN Starter Kit: Basic Behaviors
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2022 *Added Audio Sensors
In this project we provide examples that demonstrate movement, waypoints, navmeshes, and sensing using RAIN. Patrol, Wander, and Follow behaviors are also included.
Download the RAIN Starter Kit

Squad Command:
Advanced Warfighter AI
This is an overview of our new package Squad Command: Advanced Warfighter AI. With advanced AI soldiers, reusable gameplay components, and fully rigged scenes.

RAIN Quick Start:
Character Rigging in less than 15 mins
with Sample Project
In this video Prime gives you a quick walkthrough and introduction to using RAIN 2.1 to quickly create AI inside of Unity3D.
Download the RAIN Quick Start project
Squad Command: Advanced Warfighter Tutorials

Part 1: Behavior Tree Bindings
Part 1. Prime starts off our Squad Command: Advanced Warfighter AI tutorial series by explaining the Defender Soldier’s behavior tree bindings.

Part 2: Detect Enemy Behavior
Part 2. Prime explains the Defender Soldier’s Behavior Tree before jumping into code in the next video.