RAIN{indie} v1.3.1

Patch Notes:

Fix for some users on iOS

1.3.1 Release notes:

  • Fix to ActionContext for iOS builds
  • Fixes for 3D movement with waypoints
  • Revised EULA



RAIN{indie} v1.3.0

Release Notes:

Welcome to RAIN{indie}, a powerful tool for adding AI capabilities to your Unity project. RAIN{indie} is an evolution of our prior product, RAIN{one}, and incorporates its most popular features, adds new capabilities, and provides a streamlined process for setting up and working with AI.

1.3.0 Release notes:

  •  Unity 4 compatible
  •  Support for simple rigging of AI with Behavior Trees, Pathfinding, Movement, and Sensors
  •  Use out-of-the-box actions (movement, sensing, animation, and audio) or create your own Custom Actions
  • A Recast-based generator for creating navigation graphs automatically from level geometry
  • Navigation-grid pathfinding and pathfollowing built in
  • Box and sphere sensors, plus capabilities for tagging detectable objects in your scene
  • Documentation, forums, and sample projects available at support.rivaltheory.com