Hello, I am using my own script for sight, and AI State machine.
I have succeeded in generating Navmesh through RAIN in runtime.
But I have no idea on how to use RAIN’s pathfinding on my own scripts.
I won’t be using the Behavior Tree, as it is really confusing as to how to code custom action and refer to variables from it. (There is barely any tutorials on it, I’d rather code my own script).
As for the API Documentation, I could barely understand any of it (I am pretty new to coding, so probably its my fault that I couldn’t understand any of it).
[*] I need a script to generate a transform within the Navmesh (Check if point is in Navmesh) called “Point of interest” (How do I refer to if the Z/X axis of the location is within navmesh?)
[*] I need the AI to generate a path and move towards “Point of interest” if it is on “Curious” state. (How do I generate path, see if the path generation is successful, and move towards point if its state machine (Mecanim) is on the “Curious” state?)
[*] POI Location will be updated using mouseclick, and can be updated when the AI is moving. How should I update the path?
Any ideas and examples?
This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by gekigengar.