How do I do those? Specifically I want to know so enemies and other AI- controlled stuff won’t go through each other (nor player) and also I need to be able to make/fix “holes” in navmesh on demand as user action could affect level, e.g. open path that wasn’t previously available or close a corridor - I need to make AI entities aware of that change.
Rain now not support dynamic obstacles. You can rebuild navmesh each time you instantiate something, but not sure that this is optimal solution. Another option to make Rain work with A* Pathfinding Project for pathfinding, but this variant only if you can buy A* Pathfinding Project Pro and can spend time to merge them. Somewhere in this forum i found theme how merge them but not remember link, sorry. Maybe authors of Rain know better solutions for this. Wait for expert answer.
Im building a RTS with RPG elements on maps that can reach epic sizes (2000×2000 map size, 0.1 = 1 Meter), also with dynamic platforms. For the former Im using the Unity 5 Navmesh-System, for the latter Im using NavMeshPro, a custom navmesh system heavily optimized to support dynamic navmeshes like space ships, giant freight elevators ect.
The reason why I now consider switching to RAIN is a runtime Navmesh generation, AI behaviors in general and the thought of an unified pathfinding system that features dynamic and static navmeshes.
Now my questions:
1. Can RAIN support about 1000 units or even more on a map (just pathfinding)?
2. Can you attach and use a navmesh to a gameobject and can children (units) use RAIN to navigate on their parent - multiple navmeshes?
3. Object avoidence?
Thanks for the link. We don’t currently do dynamic real time updates to the navmesh. We have had versions similar to what’s described in the link running in our code, but have not yet achieved acceptable performance in real running systems (dozens of objects impacting overlapping meshes while dozens of AI move and pathfind across the changing graph).
Generally characters should be able to reach all destinations on the navigation graph. If your character can’t reach a location, that indicates a problematic graph (possibly generated with a too small walkable radius). You can partially make up for this by setting the AI close enough distance to a higher value.
Can I setup rain to avoid dynamic obstacles?
I have a room with dynamic furniture in it that I would like my characters to avoid and I would like to know roughty the performance cost of doing this because there will be quite a few characters wandering around.
Is there something like this:
Second I have a one-way door that characters enter through. How can I ensure that if the character stop moving for a few seconds it will find another path or choose a new location. I have come across several situations where a character will try to reach a nav point but not quite be able to get there and so just stops pressed up against an object.
Navmesh generation is not currently fast enough for runtime. We’ve done some work on dynamic navmeshes, but nothing we’re ready to release.
I know there are plenty of topics on this feature, bu this forum isnt really easily indexable, and I couldn’t find anything about using Unity integrated NavMeshAgent in order to achieve dynamic obstacle avoidance for the RAIN AI.
Anyone has any idea on how to do that?
So far I was only able to have the AI recognize the navmesh and the dynamic obstacles, but not to recalculate the path in order to avoid them (EX, it gets stuck if the obstacle is too large to slide around, qhich still is not a desirable output).
1) Take a look at the method for creating a dynamic navmesh. If the minotaur will be chasing the player you will need it:
2) When the level loads, do the following:
a) Gen the nav mesh
b) Create a waypoint route for wandering
c) Instantiate the AI from its prefab
d) Assign the waypoint route into the AI memory as homePatrolRoute
3) Make sure the player is tagged appropriately with a creature aspect, and that the Minotaur alignment and aggressiveness are set so that he’ll attack.
That should be it.
I didn’t take it as a rude post. Just a straightforward one. We get a lot of requests about dynamic navmesh and collision avoidance. We just finished making some significant changes to how the Navmesh and movement systems work, so hopefully we’ll now get another chance to go back and re-address the dynamic issues.
as the title asks
ETA on when dynamic navmesh or navmesh obstacles will be available
if no ETA how difficult is it to utilize the navmesh / obstacles that are built into unity now?
Thanks for the reply! If dynamic navmesh isn’t available, I would ideally want to use my A* pathfinder with Rain. Are there any resources on how to do this? The manual is incomplete on the custom navigator. Alternatively I could use Unity’s navmesh implementation which does support dynamic obstacles, but is probably less efficient for my purposes.
You misunderstood we have 80 terrains on average per scene, which is why I asked. We load/unload terrains in range dynamically as the player moves around. I’m very familiar with recastnavigation, and not all implementations are created equal. Unity’s navmesh like I said is a non starter, it won’t even bake our terrains without running out of memory most of the time. And since it doesn’t allow multiple navmeshes per scene, we can’t just bake each terrain individually.
Thanks for your reply. Starting with RAIN was indeed my idea, I was just worried that it mint not be good idea at all for some reason. I am thinking about getting your Warfighter AI package and see it it is suitable to adjust for hundreds of units miving in formations on the battlefield. I am not worried about dynamic navmeshes. TBH we won’t probably even bother with dynamic obstacle avoidance to save CPU cycles, it is not going to be a simulation after all. Any more hints on how to start?
Hi! I was wondering if Rain AI is suited for a dynamic navmesh. My level has destructible walls, so the navmesh should change dynamically. It’s a real time application so recomputing the navmesh every time a wall is destroyed is probably too slow. I think the only way to do this would be to use a dynamic blocker object for each wall section - but there are several thousand pieces of walls in the level. Would it be possible to do a dynamic navmesh like this without breaking performance?
Hello, it’s that stupid noob once again ;).
Is there any tutorial on RAIN that focuses on doing AI in dynamic context (user-made or procedural maps)? I can’t find any and my googling only gave me review of (old) version of RAIN and couple unrelated links related to actual rain (the weather one).