Chance Of RAIN? Excellent! RAIN{one} Released!
The end has come. The AI robots gained sentience, and they’re going to be our only hope in the Zombie Apocalypse, when zombie forces start using the Bear Calvary led by none other than our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. Fear not! They don’t stand a chance against our AI robots empowered by the cognitive forces of RAIN!!! Equipped with human-like sensors, the capability to find the most efficient path on their death march to save the world, and telling the last surviving humans to “GET TO DA CHOPPA”- these are no ordinary AI. The zombies don’t stand a chance. Though that scenario has no shortage of awesome, is completely legitimate (ask Abe, he never tells a lie) and not over exaggerated at all. It is, none the less, an idea for a video game; maybe your video game (sorry if I stole your idea)! I know what you’re going to say, “But Jester, I have an even more ultra epic idea for a video game that could really use the AI you’re talking about. I just don’t have the hours it takes to sit down and code the functions.” We hear you loud and clear. We understand that even the most basic AI functions can be a major obstacle for developers because of the complexity involved- not to mention, the developer can be focusing on more important parts of the game development. We are taking the first steps toward eliminating those obstacles in AI, as well as many others, so users can focus on designing creative character behavior instead of building framework. We developed RAIN to make using, building, and understanding AI as easy as possible. Introducing RAIN{one}, a completely integrated AI tool kit on the Unity3D App Store. Developers now have access to a comprehensive set of AI tools that have never been seen together on Unity. By using RAIN{one}, Unity users will have the tools to equip their in-game characters with core AI capabilities such as the ability to sense the world, navigate, and create complex behaviors through goal or task based logic. What does that mean for you? It means that you can skip the vast majority of the code writing and focus on what you do best, making fantastic games. Here’s some of major features of RAIN{one} include:
- Pathfinding, Pathfollowing and Path Graph Generation
- Behavior Trees and Goal Oriented Behaviors
- Movement
- Locomotion
- Sensors
- One-Click AI Configuration
The last time you asked someone to do something for you, did you write them a program or did you just tell them what you wanted? Just wondering. - Prime
I’ve noticed that creating game AI usually involves creating lots of little parameters that are used to tune and tweak behavior. Fine adjustment of these little “knobs” is the difference between smart looking AI and total awkwardness. The design and presentation of RAIN must avoid this approach at all costs. We must express the “why” of behavior rather than create complex functions that produce similar results in specific contexts. - Prime
Great week at GDC
We just returned from a great week at GDC. Rival Theory met with numerous industry partners, potential clients, colleagues, and generally cool people. I think Mr. Iwata captured my own take-away from the conference very well in his keynote: “Make the impossible possible.” - Prime
fn(x) ={FAIL}
One thing is clear from all the technical talks at gdc that I have attended. We are trying to create behavior as a side effect of balancing priorities based on numbers. Want to choose between two options? Add weights to each and use a function to calculate a number that represents the decision. Why are games brittle and unbelievable at times? Because the decision point isn’t adequately captured or expressed by the equation. We NEED a thinking approach to EVERYTHING that we try to embed as decision behaviors in games.
We’re here at GDC and are receiving a #$% ton of positive feedback on RAIN. Tons of features coming to Unity. Lots of excitement! Check out our product page to learn more, or just go ahead and contact us.
Helping for the Holidays
The holidays are a wonderful time of the year. It allows one to gorge on Turkey (or tofurkey if your like some of our employees) gather with friends and family, rock out to Christmas classics, and reminisce on the great times in the past year. Its also a great time to help out your community and those that are not as fortunate as others.
New Mexico ranks 5th in the nation of people who wonder when they will have their next meal. So, in order to help combat hunger in our community, Rival{Theory} contributed $1000 which purchased $10,000 worth of Roadrunner Food Bank’s supplies and food to the Nacimiento Community Foundation. Bill, the founder of Rival{Theory} stated, “giving back to the community is important to this company. It’s not a charitable donation for the sake of donating, it’s about doing the right thing in every way, even small ways. It’s one of the values of our company, and we try and reinforce that within our company in as many ways possible.”
Rival{Theory} is continually looking for different ways to give back to the community and nonprofit organizations. Please contact us if you feel there is a way for our company to participate in an upcoming or ongoing nonprofit venture.
About the Roadrunner Food Bank:
Roadrunner Food Bank of New Mexico has been serving New Mexico’s hungry since 1980. As the largest Food Bank in the state, they distribute more than 22 million pounds every year to a network of hundreds of partner agencies and five regional food banks. In turn, these agencies provide food directly to the hungry in our communities across the state. Agencies we serve include food pantries, shelters, group homes, soup kitchens, low-income senior housing sites, and regional food banks.Through that network, Roadrunner Food Bank is helping nearly 40,000 different hungry people in our state weekly. For more information please go to
About the Nacimiento Community Foundation:
The Nacimiento Community Foundation (a 501-c3 nonprofit) was established in 1988 to promote healthy communities in the Cuba, eastern Navijo, and Jenez Mountains area. The program helps to connect people with resources that promote individual, family, community self-sufficiency, health and well-being.
Nacimiento Community Foundation provides a range of services including:
Client Assistance Programs:
- Checkerboard Food Pantry
- Emergency Utility and Shelter
- Prescription Medication
- Medicaid Enrollment
- Medicare Benefit Access
- Case Management
- Financial Literacy/IDA Matched Savings Program
- Community Garden
- Farmers Market
RAINmx released 12/7
Rival Theory has released its first version of the RAIN AI engine: RAINmx for Microsoft XNA, as a Technology Preview for registered users. We will continue to release preview updates through January leading up to the official 1.0 launch prior to Global Game Jam. Feel free to contact us with any questions. I’ll post information and updates as we have them. If you would like access to the Technology Preview, please register and we’ll be in touch. Prime
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