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RAIN Settings
The RAIN Settings asset is automatically created when RAIN is first used. If you ever need to reset your settings, or if you accidentally delete it, it will automatically recreate itself when needed. It is here in case you need to change some of the options in RAIN that aren't accessible through the normal user interface.
- Script: The script that represents this asset.
- Actions Directory: The directory where the Behavior Tree Editor saves any newly created Custom Actions.
- Cache Directory: The directory where some temporary editor assets are created.
- Bt Save Directory: The directory where the Behavior Tree Editor saves any newly created behavior trees.
- Bt Editor Search Directory: The directory the Behavior Tree Editor searches for behavior trees to load.
- Last Load Save Directory: The last directory used when saving or loading. Used by several open/save dialogs used in RAIN.
- Bt Inspector Pane Width: The width, in pixels, of the Behavior Tree Editor's Inspector.
- Bt Inspector Field Width: The width, in pixels, of the Behavior Tree Editor's Inspector fields.
- Nav Mesh Generation Threads: The number of threads the Navigation Mesh Rig uses when generating a navigation graph.
- Use Skin: Whether or not to use the RAIN skin in the Inspector.
- Skin: The skin to use if Use Skin is checked.
- Show Advanced: Whether or not to show advanced settings in the Inspector. Normally set through the context menu (gear icon) on any RAIN component.
- Allow Auto Update Check: Whether or not RAIN is allowed to automatically check for updates.
- Last Update Check: The last time RAIN checked for an update.
- Update Frequency Hours: How often RAIN checks for an update.
rainelements/rainsettings.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/29 15:55 by sigil
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