Increased development speed
No recurring license fees
Limitless title and platform publishing
All technology upgrades and updates
Cross-platform compatibility: RAIN{one} is supported on both Unity Free and Unity Pro versions and can be used to build games for PC, Mac, iOS, Web, Android, Xbox, PS3, and Wii.
Access to step-by-step tutorials
Full access to a moderated support forum
Code samples and
API documentation
Access to full QuickStart and Advanced User documentation
Release Notes
RAIN{one} is available for purchase on the Unity Asset Store.
From within Unity open the Asset Store located in the Window menu. From within the Asset Store search for and click on RAIN{one}. Click the “Buy” button. RAIN{one} will download after check out. When it had downloaded successfully the “Buy” button will change to read “Import”. Click the “Import” button to install RAIN{one}.
Confirming Installation
To check that RAIN{one} has installed correctly, click on the menu in Unity and locate the RAIN menu.
You can also check the version of RAIN{one} by going to the RAIN menu–>Help–>About.
Patch Notes: v1.2
Patch Notes:
There have been a number of significant changes and upgrades to 1.2.0 from the prior 1.1.4 build. Please note that if you run into any trouble upgrading a prior RAIN project, you may be able to fix any problems by going to the RAIN→Help menu and choosing the “Rebind RAIN Components” option. We advise you to make a copy of your project before upgrading.
Added support for using custom waypoint graphs
PathManager is now an abstract class
RAINPathManager replaces PathManager in most cases (Use the “Rebind RAIN Components” option to convert old PathManager components into RAINPathManagers. This may not copy all values.)
CustomPathManager supports creating custom path movement
Added support for script rebinding when updating RAIN
Added new Behavior Tree nodes:
Timer node sets a delay, returns SUCCESS after
Random node chooses a single child node at random to execute
Yield node pauses the behavior tree at the yield point for a single frame
Reorganized Behavior Tree menus
Removed the “Generate Default Behavior Tree XML” button from the BehaviorTreeMind component. Behavior trees can still be created in the Behavior Tree Editor.
Move primitive now supports animation layers
Move primitives now have a field for selecting the animation wrap mode.
Detect primitive now returns failure when nothing is detected, instead of running. (To achieve the previous behavior, set repeat to RepeatUntilSuccess.)
Animation primitive now supports layers
Animation primitives now always stop when the node exits
Setting animation wait time ⇐ 0 will allow it to run indefinitely (To achieve the previous behavior of looping animation during execution of other nodes, place the animation primitive in a parallel with other nodes.)
Animations now support fading
Fixed misc. minor Recast bugs
Fixed issues calculating path neighbors on some navigation graphs
You may now add a GraphModifier component to dynamic objects that impact the navigation grid. Especially useful for turn-based games.